Asp.Net Components

AspLib component library

AspLib component library is solution that includes grid, navigation and input controls, which let you considerably speed up development of web-application and get high-usability interface.

Now Button, Calendar, InputDateTime, InputNumber, InputText, MasskedTextbox, TabControl, UrlTextbox and WaitLoading controls are FREE.

You can receive the full source code of the product.

All components’ feature list:

Cross-browser support: Internet Explorer 6 and later, Opera 9 and later, FireFox 2 and later.
Supported IDE: Visual Studio .NET 2003, 2005
All controls output well-formed XHTML
Complete ASP.NET AJAX support. You can use the controls with ASP.NET AJAX framework
AspLib controls are “Level A” compliant (in accordance with the W3C Web Accessibility Guidelines 1.0). It also introduces certain features that satisfy the requirements of “Section 508” for software accessibility. As a result, the component can be used in US Federal Institutions and other organizations, which require software to be accessible to people with disabilities
Multi-culture support, easy localization through XML
Build in type editors help you to configurate the controls
All JavaScript and resources files are embedded in the assembly

Description of the components:

ALGrid – web-control that displays the values of a data source in a table where each column represents a field and each row represents a record. The ALGrid control allows you to select, sort, insert, filter, group and edit these items. ALGrid can empty show and upload an image without any additional handlers. Build-in validators help you to validate a column values. The control has rich set of column types.
This control enables easy and simple showing and uploading images without creating additional forms, files or handlers. Image initialization on a form is carried out by the ShowImage event. When uploading a image UploadImage event is called and the image is passed to the event handler. In case of Width and Height properties being defined the image can be automatically truncated. When user click on the BinaryImage with uploaded image appears window with full image view. The control supports TIFF images storage and works with images as Textbox works with text.
Button (free)
Advanced button has ability to customize image and text properties. Also there are more then 10 ready to use styles available. You can choose them using buttons property Kind. Also you can show one or two message boxes to let user confirm his choice.
Calendar / Schedule (free)
Calendar is an integrated Calendar / Schedule control, supporting a wide variety of date and date range selection types, day customization. The calendar is compact and fast. It is also self-updating on the client side and has an option to select days. Control has AJAX behavior – it may loads collection of special dates only after selecting next or previous month or year, not during page rendering – it decreases traffic. Setting a range of dates is available. Auto localization depending on application culture settings. You can use special date range, date difference and date compare validators to validate inputted values.
Checkbox (free)
The advanced checkbox that sets pictures or (and) text to display mode information.
An easy and convenient way to enter names or color codes in your web-application. User can input color’s name (‘red’) or code (‘#000000’).
ComboBox provides auto-complete functionality and AJAX-powered type ahead for quickly finding records in a large list so that when you write text in the ComboBox, it completes the text if it finds in item collection. It can be customized with styles, colors and sizes. Control supports AJAX behavior: partially items loading and fast items uploading for large items collections.
This control provides a simple and intuitive way for a user to make multiple item selections. Available items are displayed in one list, selected items displayed in another. It is possible to filter elements or scroll to matching item using Filter text field. It is also possible to display tip with additional description for each item. This control works without postback between the movement of the Lists and has AutoSorting and PreSelect properties. Control supports AJAX behavior: partially items loading and fast items uploading for large items collections.
The component is an online Web based WYSIWYG editor for working with HTML. The editor allows to create tables, links, pictures, image maps, flash and multimedia content, manage CSS styles, change text color, size, pattern and font, add snippets, custom styles, emotion icons. You can use built-in Media gallery in editor to insert media content. Context menu will help you to edit HTML. Integration with SpellChecker is possible. Auto localization depending on application culture settings. Using Toolbar editor very empty to customize the Editor toolbar and add custom toolbar items. Toolbar can be faded. The control has some client-side events. To use Editor is as simple as a usual TextBox.
The component for working with MediaGallery – provides easy access to images, flashes, movies, documents or any other files from gallery. Users may upload files to server via gallery. You can set mask for inputted file’s type and maximal size of file. GalleryBox can work with a file gallery when every element of a gallery is a file in given folder. Also it can work with a gallery from MS SQL or MS Access database.
Dropdown list capable of displaying html and pictures. HtmlDropDownList is initialized by a HtmlListItem set with initialized Text property (any HTML) and Value property (element value). In case of selecting any element the box will display the Text property HTML. Element dropdown list can layer up or down. Box also has the ability to always display a constant HTML, disregarding selected elements.
InputDate, InputDateTime, InputTime (free)
Components for entering dates and time with possibility of using a pop-up calendar. You can enter day or day and month (8 or 6/8) using any separator (“\”, “.”) and control will automatically add current month and year. Date can be empty. Setting a range of dates is available. Calendar is refreshed without PostBack. Auto localization depending on application culture settings. You can use special date range, date difference and date compare validators to validate inputted values.
InputNumber (free)
A number input field. Control allows you to define range of number to be inputted. You can also choose negative and fraction number options, set precision of the number. Component has increment buttons and button to call pop-up calculator. The control can display value using mask. Also allows to define a range of valid numbers.
InputText (free)
TextBox with highlight effect. Changes background-color and border color when mouse is over the control with possibility to show a start text when the field is empty.
MaskedTextBox (free)
This component almost completely mimics the standard Windows MaskedTextBox (it uses the same mask templates, on entering text visible mask is highlighted…). The MaskedTextbox control enables developers to set mask property by which the user input to MaskedTextbox can be restricted.
NavBar offers advanced navigation features and superior performance. This control enables you to programmatically create a DHTML navigator of expanding and collapsing groups.
TabControl (free)
TabControl is a flexible component for building tabbed interfaces in ASP.NET applications. Each tab represents a separate page which can be displayed in IFrame or DIV Panel. Tab design setting are available. TabControl can contain several rows. Selected tab can be changed through PostBack. Control tabs’ orientation can be top, bottom, left and right. The control features integrated server-side & client side API.
TabStrip is new powerful navigation control for building tabbed interfaces in ASP.NET applications. It’s more advenced control than the TabControl. The сontrol have been built to generate minimal HTML code, work on the client-side without hassles, be fast and fully support AJAX for on-demand page loading via callbacks. TabStrip can contains several rows. Control tabs’ orientation can be top, bottom, left and right. Numerous server-side settings, client-side API and events allow you to take full control over how your tab control responds to user actions – which user action activates a tab, should there be a postback, callback or client processing.
This web component provides toolbar liked on standard Windows Toolbar. Toolbar items can be Button, ComboBox, DropDownBox, MenuButton, PopupButton, ToggleButton and TextBox.
UrlTextBox (free)
TextBox with “Check URL” link (for inputted URL checking).
WaitLoading (free)
This control adds a loader into your web page and customizing its appearance is easy and useful. This is worse when the whole structure of your web site is contained into tables making the page totally blank till the tables are loaded completely. The users may think the web site is not available. Adding visual information in the screen telling the user that the page is loading will prevent of these leaving.
WebTimer (free)
Use the WebTimer control to update/refresh any page that relies on changing data. WebTimer will automatically post back a web form (aspx page) at specified intervals.